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Saturday, May 25, 2013

"Green Force: The Ultimate Commandos" is 1st ever Pakistani 3D FPS game developed by "Raptor Interactive". This game is based on the Pakistani SSG Commandos.

System Requirments

System                =  2.4GHZ  Dual Core
RAM                  =  2 GB
Video Memory    =  512 MB
Hard Drive          =  5.0 GB

1.  Download Key Requesting App

2.  Download Game


1.  Download Torrent


1. Download the game and key requesting app using the above two links OR Download Using the Torrent file (Instructions Included)
2. Open Key Requesting App , enter your email address and get the key
3. Using the Setup.exe file Install the game , when required paste the key which you just got 
4. Enjoy

Screen Shots


Watch Video Trailer


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